Route 53 ============================================================================== **Route 53 是干什么的**: 1. 注册域名. 2. 将通往你域名的流量, 正确地 Route 到你位于 AWS 上的 Resource, 例如 EC2, Load Blancer. 3. 检查你的 AWS 资源 的健康度. 隔一段时间 Ping 一次, 如果 Ping 不通, 则写入 CloudWatch, 并触发 SNS 通知. **重要概念**: - Domain Name: - Top Level Domain (TLD): .com / .gov 这类的后缀 - Subdomain: / / 这类的共享一个根域名的域名. - Domain Registrar: 一些特定的国际大公司, 有权利帮你注册某些域名. - Domain Registry: 域名拥有者, 也就是找 Registrar 花钱注册了该域名的公司或人. - Name Servers: 具体的某台服务器, 用于将你的 Domain Name 翻译成 IP 地址 - Authoritative Name Server: 根服务器, 负责某个区域, 比如北美, 亚洲的域名解析. - DNS Resolver: 通常是 ISP (Internet Service Provider) 互联网服务提供商管理的服务器, 位于用户和 Name Server 之间. - DNS Query: 查询一个 domain name 的过程. - DNS Record: 一系列具体的 domain name 到 IP 的对应关系. 相当于是多个 ``A Record`` - Time to Live (TTL): DNS Server 上 DNS Query 的缓存持续时间. - A Record: - CNAME (Canonical Name 权威的) Record: 规范的名字, 用于将多个域名导向同一个 EC2 或是 ELB. 例如 和 导向同一个 EC2. - Alias Record: AWS Route 53 的自定义 映射. - Zone Apex: Root Domain,, - Routing Policy: A setting for domain that determine how Route 53 responds to DNS queries and route the traffic. **Type of Record Set**: - IPv4 Address - CNAME Route 53 能将流量导向哪些 AWS 服务 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Logging, Monitoring, and Tagging**: - AWS CloudTrail - Amazon CloudWatch - Tag Editor **Routing Traffic to Other AWS Resources**: - Amazon API Gateway - Amazon CloudFront - EC2 - Elastic Beanstalk - Elastic Load Balancer - RDS - S3 - VPC - Workmail Reference: 用 Route 53 将通往你的域名的流量导向各种 AWS Resource 该怎么做 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reference: - API Gateway: - CloudFront Web Distribution: - EC2 Instance - AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment: - ELB Load Balancer: - AWS RDS Database Instance: - S3 Bucket: - VPC Interface Endpoint: - Amazon Workmail: 你有一个 S3 Bucket 开启了 Static Website Hosting,, 你想将你的域名 连接上你的 Static Website. IPv4 Address with Alias 你有 4 个 EC2, 被放在了 Load Balancer 背后. 你想将你通往你域名 的流量导向 Load Balancer. IPv4 Address with Alias 你有一个 RDS, endpoint 是 你用 Route53 注册了一个域名. CNAME without Alias 你有一个公司的域名, 想要用 Route 53 作为 DNS provider, 并将其导向到 CDN 上. Create an Alias record which point to CloudFront Distribution. Troubleshoot Server Not Found error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - You didn't create a record for the domain or subdomain name - You created a record but specified the wrong value - The resource that you're routing traffic to is unavailable Reference: Routing Policy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reference: - Simple routing policy – Use for a single resource that performs a given function for your domain, for example, a web server that serves content for the website. 1 对 1 路由 - Failover routing policy – Use when you want to configure active-passive failover. 如果第一个 Resource 不 Healthy, 则换下一个. - Geolocation routing policy – Use when you want to route traffic based on the location of your users. 你预先设定好, 哪个区域的用户被路由到哪里 - Geoproximity routing policy – Use when you want to route traffic based on the location of your resources and, optionally, shift traffic from resources in one location to resources in another. 根据用户的位置, 自动选择路由到最近的 (或其他自定义规则) Resource - Latency routing policy – Use when you have resources in multiple AWS Regions and you want to route traffic to the region that provides the best latency. 当你的 App Host 在多个 Region 上时, 选择延迟最小的. - Multivalue answer routing policy – Use when you want Route 53 to respond to DNS queries with up to eight healthy records selected at random. 同时返回多个可路由的目的地. - Weighted routing policy – Use to route traffic to multiple resources in proportions that you specify. 加权路由, 给每个目的地加一个 Weight, 按概率取. Health Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Route 53 的 Health Check 能检查哪些指标? - Health checks that monitor an endpoint - Health checks that monitor other health checks (calculated health checks) - Health checks that monitor CloudWatch alarms Reference: Monitor Health Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - To view the status of a health check on **route 53 console** - To **receive an Amazon SNS notification** when a health check status is unhealthy (console) - To view **CloudWatch alarm status** and edit alarms for Amazon Route 53 (console) - To view **Route 53 metrics on the CloudWatch console** Reference: