Lua Basic ============================================================================== 本文主要参考自官方文档中的 Basic Concepts 一章. - - Lua 中一共有这么 8 种基本数据类型: - nil: 类似于 None - boolean: true 和 false - number: 整数和浮点都是这个 - string - function: 函数也是一个数据类型 - userdata - thread - table: 万能数据结构, 即是列表, 也是字典, 还是面向对象的类 .. literalinclude:: ./number_plus_minus_multiply_divide.lua :language: lua :: # output a = 2 b = 2 c = 2 a + b = 8 a * b = 12 a / b = 0.33333333333333 b / a = 3.0 c / a = 4.5 String ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 字符串拼接 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: ./string_01_concatenate.lua :language: lua 两个点 ``..`` 是字符串拼接. 相当于 Python 中的 ``s = "b" + s``. :: # output s = a s = ba s = dcba s = edcba Function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 在 Lua 中定义函数非常简单, 其中 ``function``, ``return``, ``end`` 是关键字. .. code-block:: lua function func_name(arg1, arg2) ... return result end .. contents:: :class: this-will-duplicate-information-and-it-is-still-useful-here :depth: 1 :local: 定义函数 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 第一个例子, 函数里面可以有参数, Lua 是动态语言, 参数是没有类型的. 如果一个参数被定义了, 但是却没有被赋值, 那么它的默认值是 nil. .. literalinclude:: ./function_01_define_a_func.lua :language: lua :: # output msg = hello! res = success msg = nil 定义多个参数 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: ./function_02_multiple_argument.lua :language: lua :: # output msg1 = hello alice msg2 = hello bob 定义多个参数 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: ./function_02_multiple_argument.lua :language: lua :: # output msg1 = hello alice msg2 = hello bob 定义可变长度的参数 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 这里明确两个定义: - 形参 Formal parameter, 定义的形式参数, 可以是任何值 - 实参 Actual parameter, 实际传入的参数, 是一个确定值 例如下面的 ``a`` 就是形参, 1 就是实参. .. code-block:: lua function func(a) ... end func(1) 下面的例子中我们用 ``...`` 来表示该函数可以接受数量不同的实参. 当这个函数被调用时, 它的所有参数都会被收集到一起. 我们定义了个临时变量 ``args``, 它是个 table, 然后我们就可以用 ``ipairs`` 函数遍历里面的元素了, 当然我们对 index 不感兴趣, 只对 value 该兴趣, 所以可以用 ``_`` 语法 (和 Python 一样) 来忽略 index. .. literalinclude:: ./function_03_any_number_arg.lua :language: lua :: # output alice bob 定义 Key Value 风格的参数 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 在 Lua 中给函数传递参数都是 positioned, 也就是只按照位置顺序传递参数. 如果你记不住这些参数的位置, 想要用 key value 的方式调用函数, 那么你只能将函数变为只有一个参数的形式, 而且这个参数是一个 table, 然后在函数内部都用 arg.key 的形式调用这些值即可. .. literalinclude:: ./function_04_key_value_arg.lua :language: lua Table ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lua 中有且只有一个数据结构 Table. 它即是链表, 也是哈希表, 还能实现模块, 面向对象等功能. Table as Dict ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 我们这里用 Python 中的 dict 来类比, 看看把 Table 当哈希表用是什么感觉. .. literalinclude:: ./table_as_dict.lua :language: lua :: # output --- access value from key t["a"] = 1 --- iterate key value pair: key = a, value = 1 key = b, value = 2 --- iterate key only pair: key = a key = b --- iterate value only pair: value = 1 value = 2 --- check if table has certain key table has key "b": true table has key "c": false --- assign key value pair t["b"] = 20, t["c"] = 30 key = c, value = 30 key = b, value = 20 ❯ lua table_as_dict.lua --- access value from key t["a"] = 1 --- iterate key value pair: key = b, value = 2 key = a, value = 1 --- iterate key only pair: key = b key = a --- iterate value only pair: value = 2 value = 1 --- check if table has certain key table has key "b": true table has key "c": false --- assign key value pair t["b"] = 20, t["c"] = 30 --- delete key value pair key = b, value = 20 key = c, value = 30 --- get number of pairs in table 2 Table as List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 我们这里用 Python 中的 list 来类比, 看看把 Table 当列表用是什么感觉. .. literalinclude:: ./table_as_list.lua :language: lua :: #output --- get element by index, lua index start from 1 t[1] = a t[2] = b --- get the last item in the list e --- get the second last item in the list d --- iterate a list ind = 1, value = a ind = 2, value = b ind = 3, value = c ind = 4, value = d ind = 5, value = e --- iterate the slice of the list ind = 2, value = b ind = 3, value = c ind = 4, value = d --- append to the end f --- remove the last element end nil e Local and Global Variable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 在 lua 中, 如果你不声明 ``local`` 就定义变量, 那么这个变量就是全局变量. 全局变量可以在函数内部被修改. 一般好的 lua 代码中所有的变量都应该定义成局部变量才能避免出 bug. 请看下面的例子: .. literalinclude:: ./local_and_global_variable.lua :language: lua :: # output inside function a = 2 outside function a = 2 inside function b = 2 outside function b = 1 inside function c = 2 outside function c = 2 inside function d = 2 outside function d = 1 OOP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. literalinclude:: ./oop_basic.lua :language: lua Reference: -