Conventional Commits

Keywords: Conventional, Commit, Commits

Conventional Commits 是一种 Git Commit Message 的一种约定.

  • fix: 类型 为 fix 的提交表示在代码库中修复了一个 bug (这和语义化版本中的 PATCH 相对应).

  • feat: 类型 为 feat 的提交表示在代码库中新增了一个功能 (这和语义化版本中的 MINOR 相对应).

  • BREAKING CHANGE: 在脚注中包含 BREAKING CHANGE: 或 <类型>(范围) 后面有一个 ! 的提交, 表示引入了破坏性 API 变更 (这和语义化版本中的 MAJOR 相对应) . 破坏性变更可以是任意 类型 提交的一部分.

  • fix:feat: 之外, 也可以使用其它提交 类型 , 例如 @commitlint/config-conventional (基于 Angular 约定) 中推荐的 build:, chore:, ci:, docs:, style:, refactor:, perf:, test: 等等.

  • 脚注中除了 BREAKING CHANGE: <description> , 其它条目应该采用类似 git trailer format 这样的惯例.

Parse Conventional Commits

这里我写了一个基于 Python 3.7+ 的脚本, 可以用于解析 conventional commits.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

A simple regex parser to parse conventional commit message.

import dataclasses
import re
import string
from typing import Optional, List, Pattern

DELIMITERS = "!@#$%^&*()_+-=~`[{]}\\|;:'\",<.>/? \t\n"
CHARSET = string.ascii_letters

def tokenize(text: str) -> List[str]:
    cleaner_text = text
    for delimiter in DELIMITERS:
        cleaner_text = cleaner_text.replace(delimiter, " ")
    words = [word.strip() for word in cleaner_text.split(" ") if word.strip()]
    return words

def _get_subject_regex(_types: List[str]) -> Pattern:
    return re.compile(
        fr"^(?P<types>[\w ,]+)(?:\((?P<scope>[\w-]+)\))?(?P<breaking>!)?:[ \t]?(?P<description>.+)$"

class Commit:
    Data container class for conventional commits message.
    types: List[str]
    description: str = None
    scope: Optional[str] = None
    breaking: Optional[str] = None

class ConventionalCommitParser:
    def __init__(self, types: List[str]):
        self.types = types
        self.subject_regex = _get_subject_regex(types)

    def extract_subject(self, msg: str) -> str:
        return msg.split("\n")[0].strip()

    def extract_commit(self, subject: str) -> Commit:
        match = self.subject_regex.match(subject)
        types = [
            for word in match["types"].split(",")
            if word.strip() in self.types

        # Debug only
        # print(match)
        # print([match["types"],])
        # print([match["description"], ])
        # print([match["scope"], ])
        # print([match["breaking"], ])

        return Commit(

parser = ConventionalCommitParser(

def parse_commit(msg: str) -> Commit:
    subject = parser.extract_subject(msg)
    return parser.extract_commit(subject)


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

A simple regex parser to parse conventional commit message.

import dataclasses
import re
import string
from typing import Optional, List, Pattern

DELIMITERS = "!@#$%^&*()_+-=~`[{]}\\|;:'\",<.>/? \t\n"
CHARSET = string.ascii_letters

def tokenize(text: str) -> List[str]:
    cleaner_text = text
    for delimiter in DELIMITERS:
        cleaner_text = cleaner_text.replace(delimiter, " ")
    words = [word.strip() for word in cleaner_text.split(" ") if word.strip()]
    return words

def _get_subject_regex(_types: List[str]) -> Pattern:
    return re.compile(
        fr"^(?P<types>[\w ,]+)(?:\((?P<scope>[\w-]+)\))?(?P<breaking>!)?:[ \t]?(?P<description>.+)$"

class Commit:
    Data container class for conventional commits message.
    types: List[str]
    description: str = None
    scope: Optional[str] = None
    breaking: Optional[str] = None

class ConventionalCommitParser:
    def __init__(self, types: List[str]):
        self.types = types
        self.subject_regex = _get_subject_regex(types)

    def extract_subject(self, msg: str) -> str:
        return msg.split("\n")[0].strip()

    def extract_commit(self, subject: str) -> Commit:
        match = self.subject_regex.match(subject)
        types = [
            for word in match["types"].split(",")
            if word.strip() in self.types

        # Debug only
        # print(match)
        # print([match["types"],])
        # print([match["description"], ])
        # print([match["scope"], ])
        # print([match["breaking"], ])

        return Commit(

parser = ConventionalCommitParser(

def parse_commit(msg: str) -> Commit:
    subject = parser.extract_subject(msg)
    return parser.extract_commit(subject)

