
  • Run Last Executed File: Ctrl + R (MacOS)

  • Select a file to Run: Ctrl + Alt + R (MacOS)

Set your Python executable (Even for virtualenv)

Preference -> Project -> Project Interpreter, Set Python executable.


  • C:\Python27\python.exe


If your python are installed from HomeBrew, it should be at:

  • /usr/local/Cellar/python2/2.7.13/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python2.7


  • <path-to-your-virtualenv-folder>

Set bash executable

Neet a BashSupport plugin.

Open File in Sublime Text

  1. Set up external tools: Preference -> Tools -> External Tools -> Add new one click + sign.

  2. Config executable: Name: name for this tool, I use Sublime Text, Description: any description text, Program: The executable file (.exe for Windows, Application/Sublime Text.app for MacOS), Parameters: $FileName$ (you can select from macro), Working Directory: $FileDir$, click OK.

  3. Assign a Keymap: Preference -> Keymap -> Search Sublime Text -> Add a keymap, I use Shift + Cmd + S.

  4. Try it out: select a file in project view, press Shift + Cmd + S.

Execute in Bash

  1. Set up external tools: Preference -> Tools -> External Tools -> Add new one click + sign.

  2. Config executable: Name: name for this tool, I use Run with Bash, Description: any description text, Program: The executable file (.exe for Windows, usually using git-bash.exe, /bin/bash for MacOS), Parameters: $FileName$ (you can select from macro), Working Directory: $FileDir$, click OK.

  3. Assign a Keymap: Preference -> Keymap -> Search Run with Bash -> Add a keymap, I use Shift + `.

  4. Try it out: select a file in project view, press Ctrl + Shift + `.